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四年级主题阅读教学课Tec and the Litter (自选绘本)






大猫英语分级阅读绘本《Tec and the Little



1. 教材分析:

大猫英语分级阅读绘本《Tec and the Little》通过I can see....讲述侦探Tec在公园里的不同地方看到许多垃圾。 I can see.. 句式看似简单,其中包括方位介词短语。绘本内容可以与时下垃圾分类话题紧密结合,因此增加I can put ... into the garbage bin.句子。

2.学情分析:四年级的孩子已经有一年多的学习英语的经历,I can ... 这个句子对他们来说不是难点,但绘本中也存在着些许的新单词,拓展新句型,让孩子们从文本中走出来,走到实际生活中来,发现垃圾,处理垃圾,保护环境,保护地球。



1.     知识与能力目标

1)能听懂会认会说bench, bin, bottle top, can, grass, hole, litter, packet, path, pocket, pond, skin等词汇;

2)能听懂会说并用I can see…描述故事

3)会用I can put...into the ____ garbage.来进行垃圾分类。








1)能听懂会认会说bench, bin, bottle top, can, grass, hole, litter, packet, path, pocket, pond, skin等词汇;

2)能在视频、图片、问题的帮助下用I can see …描述故事。

2. 教学难点

1bench, bin, bottle top, can, grass, hole, litter, packet, path, pocket, pond, skin等单词读音

2)练说句子:I can see...in/on the ....

I can put ... into the ...garbage bin.




Step 1  Warm-up

1. Greeting.


2. Show the map, and talk about the picture.

T:What can you see in this map?

回答预设: I can see two ducks.   I can see a dog.     

T: I can see a can. I can see a banana skin.  I can see a packet. They are little. And I can see a bottle top. I can see a man. He’s Tec.

[设计意图]围绕地图,展开话题What can you see in this map? I can...温故而知新,老师引出课题。

Step 2: Presentation:

1. Lead into the title.

(1)Read the title.

(2)Ask and answer: What can you see? Where are they?

[设计意图] 导出课题,围绕封面,了解绘本题目、介绍绘本的作者,绘画者,以及封面中的主要事物,让孩子们对绘本有所了解。

2.     Teach the new words and sentences.

(1) Open the books, listen and find the answer.

Ask: What can he see? S1He can see a bin by the bench.

同理教授I can see a can on the bench.

[设计意图] 沿着路径,边听边看绘本,找出Tec看到的垃圾, 并教会新单词,学会描述I can ... in/on.... 句式。

2Read the story by themselves, then answer the questions. Listen and repeat. Choose the picture and stick on the blackboard. Teach the words and sentences.

[设计意图]学生自己阅读绘本,然后选取垃圾放在相应位置,老师教授Tec一路看到的各种垃圾新单词,学生在老师在示范引领下自己会描述I can ... in/on.... 层层递进,走进故事情节,全方位了解故事。

3Answer the question and teach the sentence.

T: Why is the dog so happy? What did it find?

Listen, then answer: Teach the sentence: I can see a hole in the pocket.

[设计意图] 思考小狗为什么开心?让孩子们猜测,故事发生的主要原因,深刻了解垃圾的产生原因。

3.     Read the story, then act it out.

T: Read the story by yourselves. Then who want to be a detective to retell the story.

[设计意图] 学生自读绘本,然后扮演侦探看着板书线路图,复述课文,学生熟悉绘本文本。

Step 3 Practice

1.    思辨时刻:There is some litter in the park. What can we do?

(1)Introduce four garbage bins.

(2)Teach: I can put _____ into the garbage bin.

3)请学生将can, banana skin, packet, bottle top分类到垃圾桶并说I can put ... into the ____garbage bin.

[设计意图] 垃圾产生我们该如何做?教授句子I can put ... into the ____garbage bin.导入后面拓展垃圾分类活动。为后面活动开展做铺垫承上启下。

2.    老师提供不同场景,学生完成任务单:找垃圾,处理垃圾。



[设计意图]呈现不同场景,巩固句子I can see... I can put ... into the ____ garbage bin.将文本的内容运用到实际生活中来。学生先自己找一找,写一写,再请个别同学到讲台前展示并描述。将课文所学知识点和实际生活相联系,达到本节课教学的目标。

Step 4 Produce

1. 看视频,了解垃圾分类的原因。Why should we do trash sorting? Watch the video.

2. What should we do to protect the earth? 看视频, 判断选择,老师给予总结。

(1)You choose the sentences.

(2)Talk about reduce, recycle and reuse.


Step 5 Homework

1. Listen and read the story.

2. Talk: What should we do to protect our earth.




(一)在绘本教学环节体现老师的智慧教学。老师先带着学生通过听录音学习两个句子:I can see a bin by the bench. I can see a can on the bench. 然后启发学生自己阅读绘本,找到沿路的垃圾,模仿说I can see .... on/in the .....发挥学生的主观能动性继续绘本的学习。有的放矢,老师智慧地教,学生智慧地学。

(二)在句型操练巩固环节体现智慧型启发式教学。在绘本教学后引导学生处理公园中的垃圾入手,教学 I can put... into the ... garbage. 然后提供一个环境,让学生从图中入手,发现垃圾,处理垃圾,并完成任务单。然后请个别学生到讲台前展示,边说边将垃圾分类。将绘本与时下时髦的垃圾分类话题相结合,从口头的说落实到笔头的写,将英语学习渗透到实际生活中来。

(三)在拓展环节智慧的渗透思想品德教育。在拓展环节,通过看视频,了解reducerecycle and reuse, 让学生了解到垃圾对环境的危害,明确我们要如何垃圾分类,如何保护我们的环境,保护我们的地球。
